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Person email lists
Clare Wade avatar
Written by Clare Wade
Updated over a week ago

An email list is a group that people can be part of, in order to receive email newsletters for you. If you want to send out email newsletters, you must first add people into Airsquare, and add them to an email list. Typically you only need one email list set up (e.g. newsletter).

How do I add an email list?

  1. Go to Contacts > People > Email lists.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter a Title.

  4. Click Add.

How do I add people to an email list?

  1. Go to Contacts > People.

  2. Click on a person to edit.

  3. Scroll to the heading, Email lists and tick the appropriate box or boxes - NOTE: A person must have opted in to receive emails from you before you can subscribe them.

How can enable people to subscribe themselves to an email list?

There are a few ways you can allow people to subscribe to email lists on Airsquare:

  1. You can add a subscribe form widget to your website.

  2. You can enable a person to subscribe to an email list when they are checking out when buying a product or ticket by editing the commerce settings.

Can I bulk import people and add them to an email list?

Yes, just use our person import feature.

How do I edit an email list?

  1. Go to Contacts > People > Email lists.

  2. Next to the email list, click Edit.

  3. Change the Title and Name.

  4. Click Update.

How do I delete an email list?

  1. Go to Contacts > People > Email lists.

  2. Next to the email list, click Delete.

  3. Click Delete.

How do I email people on an email list?

You need to create an email campaign.

How do people unsubscribe from an email list?

When they receive an email via an email campaign, there's an unsubscribe link automatically added to the bottom of the email. They can click this to remove themselves from the email list.

Can I manually remove people from an email list?

Yes, just edit the person and untick them from the email list.

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