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Exporting organisations

How to export a spreedsheet of organisation data

Clare Wade avatar
Written by Clare Wade
Updated over a week ago

How does exporting organisations work?

Exporting organisations creates a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and populates it with organisation data before downloading it to your computer.

You can control which organisations will be exported by setting filters such as:

  • Category

  • Tag

  • Membership type

  • Pricing tier

  • Website status

You can then control what data will be included for each exported organisation by selecting fields such as:

  • Organisation ID

  • Title

  • Name

  • Website status

  • Page title

  • Page description

  • Website URL

  • Phone number

  • Facebook ID

  • X username

  • Linkedin profile URL

  • Summary

  • Description

  • Email address

  • Mailing address

  • Billing address

  • Physical address

  • Pricing tier name

  • Allow on account

  • Tags

  • Categories

  • Internal note

  • Xero contact name*

  • Custom fields**

  • Comments***

* Only available if Xero is connected, see Connecting Xero

** Custom fields varies depending on what Custom fields you have added.

*** Comments are exported as an additional sheet, if you have selected the Comments field you should also select the Organisation ID or Title fields so that a reference exists between the comments and the organisation.

How do I export organisations?

  1. Go to Contacts > Organisations.

  2. Click on the Export button in the top right.

  3. Optionally, select a Category.

  4. Optionally, select a Tag.

  5. Optionally, select a Membership type.

  6. Optionally select a Pricing tier.

  7. Optionally, select a Website status.

  8. Optionally, tick/untick the Fields you would like to include.

  9. Click the Export button.

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