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Shipping rates
Dave Quested avatar
Written by Dave Quested
Updated over a year ago

Do I need to add a shipping rate?

If you are selling tangible items (e.g. physical products), you'll need at least one shipping rate for each country / pricing tier / currency you want to support.

What countries can I ship to?

You can ship to any country.ย 

How are shipping rates shown to the customer?

Once a shipping address has been provided, available shipping rates are displayed for your customer to choose from.

Only shipping rates with a published website status that match the following are shown:

  • Currency

  • Pricing tier

  • Shipping address country / region

  • Shipping address postal code

  • Total order price is between min/max order price

  • Total order weight is between min/max order weight

  • Total order volume is between min/max order volume

  • Distance between your physical address and their shipping address is between the min/max delivery distance

  • Duration between your physical address and their shipping address is between the min/max delivery duration

We attempt to find available shipping rates in the following order:

  • Regional rates (country and region matches)

  • National rates (country matches)

  • International rates

If rates are found at any level, we stop and only present those rates. So, we never show national rates if regional rates are found and we never show international rates if national rounds are found.

Can I set up regional shipping rates?

Yes, you can set specific state/region/province rates for the following countries:

  • Australia

  • Canada

  • New Zealand

  • United States

Help, my shipping rates aren't showing!

Few things to check:

  • Is the website status set to Published?

  • Have you set any minimum / maximum criteria? Does the order fit within this?

  • Do the currencies match?

  • Do the pricing tiers match?

  • Do the countries match?

  • Does the country region match? Note if you've set at least one country region rate for a region, it won't show any of the country wide rates for this region. You'll need to duplicate these for the specific region where required. This goes for international rates too.

  • Is the postal code supported or unsupported?

Can it automatically work out the correct shipping country for each customer?

Yes, we use geo-targeting to automatically determine where they are from and select the right shipping country.

Can I create 'pickup' rates?

Yes, you can title the rate as pickup (e.g. Pickup from store) and set the shipping price to $0.

In conjunction with a pickup rate, you can offer Pay in-store as a payment method.

How do I add a shipping rate?

  1. Go to Commerce > Settings > Shipping rates.

  2. Click the Add button in the top right.

  3. Enter a Title for the shipping rate, e.g. Standard, Next day. The customer will see this.

  4. Optionally select a Country that this shipping rate applies to. If this is for any international order, leave the country blank.

  5. Optionally select a Region that this shipping rate applies to. If this is for any national order, leave the region blank. Note region is only available to countries listed above.

  6. Optionally, enter one or more Supported postal codes

  7. Optionally, enter one or more Unsupported postal codes.

  8. Select a Currency this applies to.

  9. Select a Pricing tier this applies to.

  10. Optionally enter any minimum / maximum criteria for the rate (e.g. order price, order weight, order volume, delivery distance, delivery duration).

  11. Enter the Shipping Price of this shipping rate.

  12. Select a Website status.

  13. Click the Add button.

How do I edit a shipping rate?

  1. Go to Commerce > Settings > Shipping rates.

  2. Next to the shipping rate, click Edit.

  3. Change the details of the shipping rate.

  4. Click Update.

How do I delete a shipping rate?

  1. Go to Commerce > Shipping rates.

  2. Next to the shipping rates, click Delete.

  3. Click Delete.

Can I bulk add or edit shipping rates?

Yes, you can bulk add or edit shipping rates by importing a spreadsheet of shipping rate information, see Importing shipping rates.

Can I export shipping rates?

Yes, you can export a spreadsheet of shipping rate information, see Exporting shipping rates.

What is the difference between supported and unsupported postal codes?

If the customer's shipping address postal code matches a supported postal code then the shipping rate will be displayed to the customer. However, if the postal code matches an unsupported postal code then the shipping rate will not be displayed. This provides you with greater control over which shipping rates will be displayed to customers.

For example, a business provides free shipping on all orders with the exception of one area that incurs additional shipping costs. By adding the postal code of that area to the shipping rate's unsupported postal codes, the business can ensure that customers from that area are not offered the free shipping rate.

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