What are stock takes?
A stock take is the process of counting and recording the amount of stock you have for your products and sub products. This helps you to verify that you have the correct stock, identify any discrepancies in your stock, create ongoing records and reconcile the expected stock with the stock you actually have in your inventory, i.e. your stock on hand.
The stock take only works with products that use the 'track stock' feature and are not intangible, i.e. physical products.
How do I add a stock take?
In the admin area
Go to Commerce > Product > Stock Takes.
Click the Add button in the top right.
Enter a Name.
Optionally, enter an Internal Note.
Click the Add button.
In the mobile app
Tap the
icon in the top left to open the menu and tap Stock takes.
Tap the
icon in the top right.
Enter a Name.
Optionally, enter an Internal Note.
Tap the
icon in the top right.
Once you've added a stock take, you can then add products and sub products to it, see How do I add items to a stock take?
How do I view a stock take?
In the admin area
Go to Commerce > Product > Stock Takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and click it.
You'll see a full overview of the stock take including which items are in the stock take.
In the mobile app
Tap the
icon in the top left to open the menu and tap Stock takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and tap it.
You'll see a full overview of the stock take.
How do I edit a stock take?
In the admin area
Go to Commerce > Product > Stock Takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and select Edit from the drop-down menu under More in the Options column.
Edit the stock take's details.
Click the Update button.
In the mobile app
Tap the
icon in the top left to open the menu and tap Stock takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and tap it.
Tap the
icon in the top right to open the options and tap Edit.
Edit the stock take's details.
Tap the
icon in the top right.
How do I complete a stock take?
Once you have added your items to a stock take, you can then complete the stock take. This adjusts the stock on hand of the items in the stock take to match your item counts.
In the admin area
Go to Commerce > Product > Stock Takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and click it.
Click the Complete button in the top right.
Select a Completed date.
Optionally, enter an Internal Note.
Click the Complete button.
In the mobile app
Tap the
icon in the top left to open the menu and tap Stock takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and tap it.
Tap the
icon in the top right to open the options and tap Complete.
Select a Completed date.
Optionally, enter an Internal Note.
Tap the
icon in the top right.
A completed stock take cannot have any more items added or deleted and item counts can not be added, removed or edited.
How do I delete a stock take?
In the admin area
Go to Commerce > Product > Stock Takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and select Delete from the drop-down menu under More in the Options column.
Click the Delete button.
In the mobile app
Tap the
icon in the top left to open the menu and tap Stock takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and tap it.
Tap the
icon in the top right to open the options and tap Delete.
Tap OK.
How do I add items to a stock take?
When adding items to a stock take, it is important that you do not fulfill any orders or make any sales via the POS. These actions change the stock on hand for the relevant products and sub products which could cause discrepancies in your item counts.
In the admin area
There are two options for adding items to a stock take, by adding the items individually and by adding the items in bulk.
To add an individual item:
Go to Commerce > Product > Stock Takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and click it.
Click the Add button above the Items table.
Select an Item.
Enter a Counted value.
Optionally, enter an Internal Note.
Click the Add button.
To bulk add items:
Go to Commerce > Product > Stock Takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and click it.
Click the Bulk Add button above the Items table.
Optionally, select a Category that will be used to filter the available items
Optionally, select a Tag that will be used to filter the available items.
Click the Next button.
Optionally, use the Search to find the relevant items.
Enter a Counted value for the items you wish to add.
Click the Add button.
In the mobile app
There are three options for adding items to a stock take, by adding the items individually, by adding the items in bulk and by adding items using a scanner.
To add an individual item:
Tap the
icon in the top left to open the menu and tap Stock takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and tap it.
Optionally, tap Items.
Tap the
icon in the top right to open the options and tap Add item.
Select an Item.
Enter a Counted value
Tap the
icon in the top right.
To bulk add items:
Tap the
icon in the top left to open the menu and tap Stock takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and tap it.
Optionally, tap Items.
Tap the
icon in the top right to open the options and tap Bulk add items.
Enter Counted values for the items you want to add.
Tap the
icon in the top right.
To add items using a scanner:
Tap the
icon in the top left to open the menu and tap Stock takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and tap it.
Optionally, tap Items.
Tap the
icon in the top right to open the options and tap Add items using scanner.
Scan the items barcode, items will be displayed in the list below the scanners viewport when they have been added.
Optionally, edit the scanned items Counted value by tapping the item in the list below the scanners viewport and entering a counted value.
Optionally, delete a scanned item by dragging the item in the list below the scanners viewport to the left and tapping Delete.
Tap the
icon in the top right once you have finished scanning items.
If an item has already been added to a stock take and you add it again, then an additional count will be added to the item rather than the item being added twice.
How do I delete an item from a stock take?
In the admin area
Go to Commerce > Product > Stock Takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and click it.
Find the item that you are looking for in the Item table and select Delete from the drop-down menu under More in the Options column.
Click the Delete button.
In the mobile app
Tap the
icon in the top left to open the menu and tap Stock takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and tap it.
Tap Items.
Find the item you are looking for and tap it.
Tap the
icon in the top right to open the options and tap Delete.
Tap OK.
Once a stock take has been completed, you will no longer be able to delete items.
How do I add a count to an item?
Items can contain multiple counts, this enables you to add counts from different locations or by separate users.
In the admin area
Go to Commerce > Product > Stock Takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and click it.
Find the item that you are looking for in the Item table and click the View button in the Options column.
Click the Add button above the Counts table.
Enter a Counted value.
Click the Add button.
In the mobile app
Tap the
icon in the top left to open the menu and tap Stock takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and tap it.
Tap Items.
Find the item you are looking for and tap it.
Tap the
icon in the top right to open the options and tap Add count.
Enter a Counted value.
Tap the
icon in the top right.
How do I edit an item count?
In the admin area
Go to Commerce > Product > Stock Takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and click it.
Find the item that you are looking for in the Item table and click the View button in the Options column.
Find the count you are looking for in the Counts table and click the Edit button in the Options column.
Edit the counts's details.
Click the Update button.
In the mobile app
Tap the
icon in the top left to open the menu and tap Stock takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and tap it.
Tap Items.
Find the item you are looking for and tap it.
Find the count you are looking for in the Counts section and tap it.
Tap the
icon in the top right to open the options and tap Edit.
Edit the counts's details.
Tap the
icon in the top right.
How do I delete an item count?
In the admin area
Go to Commerce > Product > Stock Takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and click it.
Find the item that you are looking for in the Item table and click the View button in the Options column.
Find the count you are looking for in the Counts table and click the Delete button in the Options column.
Click the Delete button.
In the mobile app
Tap the
icon in the top left to open the menu and tap Stock takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and tap it.
Tap Items.
Find the item you are looking for and tap it.
Find the count you are looking for in the Counts section and tap it.
Tap the
icon in the top right to open the options and tap Delete.
Tap OK
How do I recount an item?
If an item contains multiple counts, it can be useful to do a recount for the item, this deletes any existing counts and replaces them with a single new count.
In the admin area
Go to Commerce > Product > Stock Takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and click it.
Find the item that you are looking for in the Item table and click the View button in the Options column.
Click the Recount button in the top right.
Enter a Counted value.
Click the Recount button.
In the mobile app
Tap the
icon in the top left to open the menu and tap Stock takes.
Find the stock take you are looking for and tap it.
Tap Items.
Find the item you are looking for and tap it.
Tap the
icon in the top right to open the options and tap Recount.
Enter a Counted value.
Tap the
icon in the top right.