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How to manage your websites footer.

Callum McFadgen avatar
Written by Callum McFadgen
Updated over a week ago

What is a footer?

A footer is a section of content that is displayed at the bottom of every page of your website. It displays content like your social media links, email address, phone number, physical location and navigation links.

In addition to the standard footer content, you can add rows to your footer that can contain images, widgets, videos and custom content, in the same way you would for a page.

The footer is automatically created for you when you set up your website as is the footer attribution.

What is the footer attribution?

A footer attribution is a section of content that is displayed below the footer on every page of your website. It contains your copyright notice and is automatically created for you when you set up your website.

How do I choose what content is displayed in my footer?

The footer content can be turned on or off apart from navigation links which are added or deleted separately.

In the admin area

  1. Go to Website > Settings > Footer.

  2. Click the Settings button in the top right.

  3. Tick/un-tick the Show social media links checkbox under Options.

  4. Tick/un-tick the Show email address checkbox under Options.

  5. Tick/un-tick the Show phone number checkbox under Options.

  6. Tick/un-tick the Show physical location checkbox under Options.

  7. Click the Update button.

How do I add navigation links to my footer?

There are two different types of navigation links that can be applied, a page link for internal pages and an external link for other websites.

In the admin area

For a page link:

  1. Go to Website > Settings > Footer.

  2. Click the Navigation tab.

  3. Click the Add button to the right of the Navigation links heading

  4. Select the Page option from the Type drop-down menu.

  5. Select a page from the Page drop-down menu.

  6. Select Yes or No from the Open in new window drop-down menu.

  7. Click the Add button.

For an external link:

  1. Go to Website > Settings > Footer.

  2. Click the Navigation tab.

  3. Click the Add button to the right of the Navigation links heading

  4. Select the External Link option from the Type drop-down menu.

  5. Enter a Title.

  6. Enter an External URL.

  7. Select Yes or No from the Open in new window drop-down menu.

  8. Click the Add button.

How do I edit a navigation link?

In the admin area

  1. Go to Website > Settings > Footer.

  2. Click the Navigation tab.

  3. Find the navigation link you are looking for and click the Edit button in the Options column.

  4. Edit the navigation links details.

  5. Click the Update button.

How do I remove a navigation link?

In the admin area

  1. Go to Website > Settings > Footer.

  2. Click the Navigation tab.

  3. Find the navigation link you are looking for and click the Delete button in the Options column.

  4. Click the Delete button.

Can I remove the footer?

No, the footer will always be displayed but you can turn off the footer's content to reduce its amount of space it uses.

Can I remove the footer attribution?

No, the footer attribution is always displayed.

How do I add rows to the footer?

In the admin area

  1. Go to Website > Settings > Footer.

  2. Click the Content tab.

  3. Click the Add row button to the right of the Content heading.

  4. Select an option from the Columns drop-down menu.

  5. Click the Add button.

Can I apply custom style settings to a row?

How do I move a row?

In the admin area

  1. Go to Website > Settings > Footer.

  2. Click the Content tab.

  3. Find the row you are looking for in the Content list and click and hold the arrow icon to drag the row up or down.

How do I delete a row?

In the admin area

  1. Go to Website > Settings > Footer.

  2. Click the Content tab.

  3. Find the row you are looking for in the Content list and click the Delete button in the Options column.

  4. Click the Delete button to confirm.

How do I add content to a row column?

In the admin area

  1. Go to Website > Settings > Footer.

  2. Click the Content tab.

  3. Find the row you are looking for and click the content tile in the Columns column.

  4. Add content to the row using the editor.

  5. Optionally, enter a Title (this isn't visible to customers).

  6. Click the Update button.

How do I add an animation to a row column?

In the admin area

  1. Go to Website > Settings > Footer.

  2. Find the row that contains the column you want to apply an animation to and click the Settings button in the relevant Column.

  3. Under the Animation for non-mobile heading, select a Type.

  4. Enter a Delay.

  5. Enter a Duration.

  6. Tick/un-tick Only play the animation once.

  7. Under the Animation for mobile heading, select a Type.

  8. Enter a Duration.

  9. Tick/un-tick Only play the animation once.

  10. Click the Update button.

How do I edit a column animation?

In the admin area

  1. Go to Website > Settings > Footer.

  2. Find the row that contains the column you want to apply an animation to and click the Settings button in the relevant Column.

  3. Edit the details for the Animation for non-mobile and Animation for mobile.

  4. Click the Update button.

How do I delete a column animation?

In the admin area

  1. Go to Website > Settings > Footer.

  2. Find the row that contains the column that you are looking for and click the Settings button in the column.

  3. Clear the Type for the Animation for non-mobile and Animation for mobile.

  4. Click the Update button.

What are mobile and non-mobile animations?

Non-mobile animations are displayed when the customer views your site using a device with a larger display, such as a laptop or desktop computer. Mobile animations are displayed when the customer views your site using a device with a smaller display, such as a mobile phone or a tablet.

Are there any differences between mobile and non-mobile animations?

Mobile animations do not support a delay on when the animation starts as animation delays were ineffective when used on mobile devices.

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