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Allow people to pay by POLi

Dave Quested avatar
Written by Dave Quested
Updated over a week ago

POLi is a payment option which allows customers to pay by bank transfer in real time. It removes the need for customers to manually go into their online banking and transfer funds after an order has been placed. This means you get paid immediately and removes the likelihood of errors and chasing payment.

What countries does it support?

Currently POLi supports New Zealand and Australia.

What currencies does it support?

New Zealand Dollars (NZD) and Australian Dollars (AUD) for the respective countries.

How do I get an account?

How do I connect my account to Airsquare?

POLi will issue you with a Merchant code and Authentication code. To add these to Airsquare:

  1. In Airsquare, go to Account > Connected apps.

  2. Next to POLi, click Connect.

  3. Enter your Merchant code and Authentication code.

  4. Click Connect.

Then once connected, go to Commerce > Payment methods and tick POLi to turn it on.

I've connected and enabled, but it's not showing as a payment option

Things to check:

  • Is the order currency supported by POLi?

  • Does the order currency match Commerce > Payment methods > Bank transfer currency?

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