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Product settings

Edit the global settings for products.

Clare Wade avatar
Written by Clare Wade
Updated over a year ago

What are product settings?

Product settings are configuration options that are applied to all the products and product categories across your website. These options allow you to customise how your products and product categories are displayed and what information they include from the one place.

Product settings are currently only available in the admin area.

How do I set a stock notification email address?

If you have stock notifications enabled for a product, a notification can be sent to an email address.

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Enter a Stock notification email address.

  3. Click the Update button.

How do I edit the appearance of product listings?

Product listings can either be displayed as individual rows or in a grid.

To display product listings in individual rows:

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Select the List option from the listing arrangement Layout drop-down menu.

  3. Select a listing arrangement Horizontal layout.

  4. Select a listing arrangement Alignment.

  5. Click the Update button.

To display product listings in a grid:

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Select the Grid option from the listing arrangement Layout drop-down menu.

  3. Select a listing arrangement Orientation.

  4. Select a listing arrangement Alignment.

  5. Select a listing arrangement Horizontal layout*.

  6. Enter a listing arrangement Maximum per row.

  7. Enter a listing arrangement Minimum width.

  8. Click the Update button.

* Only available if the listing arrangement Orientation is set to Horizontal.

How do I edit the product listing default sort order?

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Select a listing arrangement Default sort order.

  3. Click the Update button.

How do I hide/show the product listing sorting options?

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Tick/un-tick Show sorting options in the listing arrangement Options.

  3. Click the Update button.

How do I hide/show product listing summaries?

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Tick/un-tick Show summary in the listing arrangement Options.

  3. Click the Update button.

How do I edit the appearance of product listing images?

We automatically create a range of listing images for your products. Try a few different options and see which aspect ratio is best suited for your products and whether you need a maximum height.

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Select a listing image Aspect ratio.

  3. Optionally, enter a listing image Maximum height.

  4. Click the Update button.

Review your product listings and see how they look.

How do I edit the behaviour of product listing animations?

Product listing animations play when a customer scrolls past product listings.

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Select a listing animation Type.

  3. Enter a listing animation Duration.

  4. Tick/un-tick Only play the animation once in the listing animation Options.

  5. Click the Update button.

How do I edit the appearance of product category listing images?

We automatically create a range of listing images for your product categories. Try a few different options and see which aspect ratio is best suited for your product categories.

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Select a category listing Image aspect ratio.

  3. Click the Update button.

Review your product category listings and see how they look.

How do I edit the position of product category listing titles?

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Select a category listing Title position.

  3. Click the Update button.

How do I edit the appearance of product detail page images?

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Select a detail page Image aspect ratio.

  3. Optionally, enter a detail page Image maximum height.

  4. Select a detail page Image position

  5. Click the Update button.

How do I edit the position of product detail page titles?

  1. Go to Commerce > Products >Settings.

  2. Select a detail page Title position.

  3. Click the Update button.

How do I edit the position of product detail page descriptions?

  1. Go to Commerce > Products.

  2. Click on Settings in the left hand menu.

  3. Select a detail page Description position.

  4. Click the Update button.

How do I set a product detail page default size guide?

If you've already created a size guide page and want to show a link to it on your product pages:

  1. Go to Website > Products > Settings.

  2. Select the Size guide page.

  3. Click Update at the bottom of the page.

How do I set a message for customers who don't have permission to buy a product?

If a customer doesn't have permission to buy a product, you can add some extra messaging around why and how they can get permission.

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings

  2. Enter a detail page Buy permission denied message (can include a URL link).

  3. Click the Update button.

How do I hide/show product detail page social media links?

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Tick/un-tick Show social media links in the detail page Options.

  3. Click the Update button.

How do I hide/show product detail page quantity fields?

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Tick/un-tick Show quantity next to 'add to cart' button in the detail page Options.

  3. Click the Update button.

How do I hide/show product detail page 'add to cart' buttons?

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Tick/un-tick Show 'add to cart' button in the detail page Options.

  3. Click the Update button.

How do I hide/show product detail page 'In stock' if available on back order?

  1. Go to Commerce > Products.

  2. Click on Settings in the left hand menu.

  3. Tick/un-tick Show 'in stock' if available on back order in the detail page Options heading.

  4. Click the Update button.

How do I hide/show product detail page stock quantities?

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Tick/un-tick Show stock quantity in the detail page Options.

  3. Click the Update button.

How do I hide/show product detail page SKUs?

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Tick/un-tick Show SKU in the detail page Options.

  3. Click the Update button.

How do I edit the minimum height of product and product category hero rows?

Setting a minimum height will ensure that hero rows will never be displayed smaller than the specified height. By default the minimum height will be set to 300px.

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Enter a hero rows Minimum hero row height.

  3. Click the Update button.

How do I edit the maximum height of product and product category hero rows?

Setting a maximum height will ensure that hero rows will never be displayed larger than the specified height. By default the maximum height will be set to 500px.

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Enter a hero rows Maximum hero row height.

  3. Click the Update button.

How do I display titles over hero images?

  1. Go to Commerce > Products > Settings.

  2. Tick/un-tick Overlay title on hero image box in the hero row Options.

  3. Click the Update button.

If Overlay title on hero image is un-ticked then product and product category titles will be displayed under the hero image.

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