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Tracking with Google Analytics

Use Google Analytics to track visitors to your website, giving you valuable insights into how they find you and how they use your website.

Dave Quested avatar
Written by Dave Quested
Updated over 3 years ago

Airsquare seamlessly integrates with Google Analytics for tracking website stats.

Google Analytics is a great way to find out how people are finding and using your website. This gives you valuable information that you can use to improve your website.

What do I need to create a Google Analytics account?

Before you can set up a Google Analytics account or use any Google services, you must have a Google Account. If you don't have one, create one first.

How do I get a Google Analytics account?

  1. Go to Google Analytics, use your Google account to log in.

  2. Once logged in, start the sign up process.

  3. In the Account Name, we recommend you put your business name.

  4. Under Account Data Sharing Settings, we suggest you untick everything.

  5. In the Property Name, we recommend you put your business name.

  6. Select your Time Zone and Currency settings.

  7. Fill out the necessary Business information.

  8. Read and accept the Terms of service and create your account.

  9. You'll then be taken into Google Analytics property and asked to setup a data stream. Under Choose a platform, click Web.

  10. Under the Website URL, enter your website host name (e.g

  11. Under Stream name, put Website.

  12. Click Create stream.

  13. You'll then be taken to another screen where it displays the Measurement ID, copy that down, you'll need to pop that into Airsquare (see "How do I enable Google Analytics tracking?"). Don't worry about any of the rest, we handle all the geeky bit, you just need your Measurement ID.

I already have a Google Analytics account

As long as you have a new Google Analytics 4 account (which has a Measurement ID) you can just pop it straight into Airsquare (see "How do I enable Google Analytics tracking?"). To find your existing Measurement ID, just type 'Measurement ID' in the Google Analytics search bar and it'll pop up (see screenshot).

If you have an old tracking ID (e.g. UA-XXXXX-YY) then you'll need to upgrade to a Google Analytics 4 account.

How do I enable Google Analytics tracking?

  1. Go to Website > Settings > Tracking.

  2. Enter your Google Analytics measurement ID. This takes the form G-XXXXXXXXXX

  3. Click Update.

How do I see what Google Analytics has been tracking?

You need to login to Google Analytics.

Can I get Google Analytics on my phone?

How do I track my ecommerce / online store performance?

Airsquare seamlessly integrates with Google Analytics and automatically tracks all your ecommerce events. You will see product and ecommerce performance inside Google Analytics.

How do I enable multiple currencies in Google Analytics?

If you have multiple currencies enabled on your site, we automatically pass in the right currency code into Google Analytics. You'll need to configure Google Analytics to show these currencies, see specifying currencies in Google Analytics.

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