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Display testimonials throughout your website in a uniform way.

Clare Wade avatar
Written by Clare Wade
Updated over a week ago

What is a testimonial?

A testimonial is quoted feedback from a customer, singing your praises. Testimonials can add credibility to your website. We have created a testimonial module to help you to display testimonials throughout your website, in a uniform way.

How do I add a testimonial?

  1. Go to Website > Testimonials.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Fill in the details of the testimonial.

  4. Click Add.

You can now use a Testimonial panel widget to display these testimonials on a page.

How do I edit a testimonial?

To edit a testimonial in any way, go to Website > Testimonials, click on the testimonial(s) that you wish to edit. This way, you can reorder (using the 'weighting') publish/un-publish and delete testimonials.

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