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Find out how to create and edit pages on your website.

Clare Wade avatar
Written by Clare Wade
Updated over a week ago

What is a page?

A page refers to a web page on your website. These pages together make up the site tree. Each page has a number of rows with columns, where you put content like text, images or videos.

How do I add a page?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Click Add in the top right.

  3. Select the 'parent page' for the new page; If you add a page to Home page, it will appear in the main website navigation. Or you can add a page to any page in the site tree and it will be accessed by a drop-down menu.

  4. Enter a Title for your new page.

  5. If you don't want the page to go live straight away, change the Status to On-hold or Unpublished.

  6. Click Add.

How do I re-name a page?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Click on the page that you want to re-name.

  3. Click Edit in the top right

  4. Change the Title, URL name and short navigation title as needed.

  5. Click Update to save.

How do I hide a page from the website navigation?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Click on the page that you want to hide.

  3. Click Edit in the top right.

  4. Under Visibility, tick Hide this page from the navigation on your site.

  5. Click Update to save.

How do I hide a page from the search engines?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Click on the page that you want to hide.

  3. Click Edit in the top right.

  4. Under Visibility, tick Hide this page from the search engines.

  5. Click Update to save.

How do I change what a page does?

We use controllers to allow you set up pages that do a specific task e.g. display FAQs, products, events, shopping cart, portfolio, login/logout, blog. To set up a page like this:

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Click on the page that you want to edit.

  3. Click on Edit in the top right.

  4. Under What this page does, choose what the page should do from the drop-down.

  5. Click Update to save.

How do I redirect a page?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Click on the page.

  3. Click on Edit in the top right.

  4. Under Redirect URL, enter the URL you want this page to redirect to.

  5. Click Update to save.

How do I move a page?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Find the page you want to move and click View.

  3. Under More, click Move.

  4. Choose the new parent for this page.

  5. Click Move.

How do I nudge a page up or down?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Find the page you want to move and click More in the Options column on the right.

  3. Choose Nudge Up or Nudge Down as appropriate. The page will move up above the page before it or move below the page after it (as appropriate).

How do I preview a page?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Click on the page.

  3. Click Preview (top right).

How do I publish or un-publish a page?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Find the page in the list.

  3. Click on More in the Options column.

  4. Select publish, un-publish or put on-hold as applicable. When a page is published, it'll be shown in green; when a page is unpublished, it'll be shown in red; when a page is on-hold, it'll be shown in orange.

What do the different page statuses mean?

Published: If a page is published, it is live on the web.
On-hold: If a page is on-hold, it is not live to the public, but it is live to any editors that are logged in to Airsquare. This feature allows you to review a section within your team before publishing it to the web.
Un-published: If a page is un-published, it's not live on the web. 

How do I delete a page?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Find the page in the site tree, Click More in the Options column on the right and choose Delete from the drop-down menu. 

  3. Alternatively, click on the page, and click Delete (top right).

How do I duplicate a page?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Click on the page.

  3. Under More, click on Duplicate.

  4. Click Duplicate.

A new page will be created. The title will have (duplicate) appended and the URL name will have -duplicate appended. You should edit these before publishing the page. By default, the status of the new duplicated page is set to On hold.

  1. Go to Website > Settings > Navigation.

  2. You will see Utility navigation links and Footer navigation links listed in two seperate tables.

  3. To add a page, click Add in the top right of the table.

  4. Select Page as the type of link.

  5. Specify the page from the drop-down.

  1. Go to Website > Settings > Navigation.

  2. You will see Utility navigation links and Footer navigation links listed in two seperate tables.

  3. Find the page you want to remove and click Delete in the Options column.

How do I add a page to the main or sub navigation?

How do I edit the content of a page?

Each page uses a layout of rows and columns, which make up the content of the page. 

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Click on the page that you would like to edit.

  3. Under Rows, click on the column that you want to edit. (see screenshot below).

  4. You'll then see an editor where you can edit the content.

  5. Once you've finished editing the content, click Update to save.

It's a good idea to get into the habit of saving your work regularly to avoid data loss. Always save your content before you leave your computer, even if it is only for a short time.

How can I change the layout of a page?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Click on the page that you want to edit.

  3. Under Rows, you can Add or Delete rows as required. When adding a row you can choose the Column configuration.

How do I move rows around?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Click on the page that you want to edit.

  3. Under Rows, you can click and drag the rows up and down.

How do I swap content on a page?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Click on the page you want to edit.

  3. Under Rows, click on the column with the content that you want to move.

  4. Click Move content in the top right.

  5. Click on the appropriate column.

  6. The content will be swapped to the new column.

How do I add a background colour to a row?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Click on the page you want to edit.

  3. Under Rows, click Edit next to the row you want to add a background colour to.

  4. Change the Background colour.

  5. You may need to adjust the other colours as the content may be difficult to read with the new background colour.

  6. You may need to adjust the padding top/bottom as rows with a background colour will need more space. Try setting the Padding top to 30px, and the Padding bottom to 15px.

  7. Click Update.

How do I add a background image to a row?

  1. Go to Website > Pages.

  2. Click on the page you want to edit.

  3. Under Rows, click Edit next to the row you want to add a background image to.

  4. Under Background image click and choose the file from your computer.

  5. Choose the Background image focal point, this is where the image is focused to when there's not enough space to show the entire image.

  6. If your background image is quite light, you may need to add some Background image overlay background opacity which darkens the image so the content is easier to read.

  7. You can choose the Background image scroll effect. If you want a pseudo 'parallax' effect choose Stay fixed when scrolling

  8. If the image you're uploading is a texture or pattern that repeats, you can change the Background image repeat setting.

  9. If the image you're uploading is a row 'divider' and shouldn't be cropped, you can change the Background image fit to Don't crop and squash to fit.

  10. You may need to adjust the other colours as the content may be difficult to read with the new background colour.

  11. You will need to adjust the padding top/bottom as rows with a background image will need more space. Perhaps start with a Padding top of 200px and a Padding bottom of 185px. You can then adjust as required.

  12. Click Update.

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